The conference in São Paulo was intense, but beautiful. People were built up in their walk with God in the subject of healing. Also, at the beginning 3 people gave their lives to Jesus and 2 were baptized a day later in the pool of someone who lives nearby. You saw a big change in their faces. Now they radiate peace, tranquility and joy.
After this weekend, things finally settled down a bit for us. We are back in the home of Marcelo and Cristina, the enthusiastic pastors couple. He used to be a professional volleyball player and has played and lived in several countries in Europe. An active man with long arms. Cristina, too, is an active woman. And both have a big heart for people.
Marcelo was already arranging for us to speak in other churches and groups as well. December is also a busy month here, but in January it seems we are welcome in several places.
In general, Brazilians are a bit louder and warmer than the Dutch. An embrace and kiss are very common and when they talk to each other, it sometimes seems that they are arguing. Also, the sound switch just has to be turned up a notch by default.
The inhabitants of Brazil are a mixed people. You find them in all colors and sizes. From dark (by African blood) to blond and blue-eyed (by Northern European blood) and everything in between.
This is perhaps why Brazilians are so open to other people and customs.
Family and hospitality are highly valued here and the rule applies: minha casa é sua casa (my house is your house). We sometimes say this in the Netherlands, but here we see it in practice. For example, during the conference we were offered to take a nap in the house of Christians we had just met, because we did not have to speak for a few hours. How sweet! The Word in practice. We Dutch could learn a thing or two from that.
- Cristina and Marcelo
- Baptism
- Brazilian polar bear
- The ladies make gnocchi by hand to grandmother’s recipe
- Churrasco!
- Eating acai in the kitchen
- Recording a short video
- SWEET Caramel cake and pudding
As you often see in other cultures, the meal is an important part in this country. A sumptuous meal together and women spending hours in the kitchen. They also love cheese and meat here. The churrasco (Brazilian bbq) here is extravagant with pieces of delicious meat. What the heck vegan!
A lot of rice with beans is eaten here and they love cakes and puddings of all kinds and that of course with a large dose of sugar. Perhaps one reason why we sometimes encounter shapely buttocks.
Of course we also enjoy the super ripe pineapples and mangoes. It is beginning to be summer here!
Looks like we’ll be taking the 5-hour trip up the coast to Paraty again later this week. Uilliam and Ariani would love for us to come again for further teaching and fellowship.
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