Adventures with God!
What He can do through us, He can do through you.

We are enjoying ourselves in Bolivia, but what a difference! From tropical Paraty, where sweat runs down your back without effort. To Cochabamba at 2600 meters (8500 ft) with thin […]
We traveled to São Paulo again. Because at the end of this month, our 3 month visa will expire and we have to leave the country. We will go to […]
There is family expansion. One of the family’s dogs is having a litter. So cute. Four of those little wriggles, totally dependent on their mother. It is always beautiful to […]
We have already stepped into another new year. As far as we are concerned, this will be a year of greater impact, broader vision and a deeper relationship with God. […]
God’s provision: Uiliam went to buy roast chicken at a food stand one day. A woman saw his landscaping pickup truck and said she needed fertilizer. After some haggling, they […]
We are back on the coast in Paraty with Uiliam and Aryane. Uiliam is a friendly man with humor, and eager to improve his English. Beside being pastor he is […]
The conference in São Paulo was intense, but beautiful. People were built up in their walk with God in the subject of healing. Also, at the beginning 3 people gave […]
We have had another filled week. Last Friday we were picked up by Uilliam, the pastor from Paraty. How sweet, because the trip from Sao Paulo to Paraty takes about […]
We have left the falling leaves behind us to exchange it for a humid tropical climate. How much we enjoy the variety of birds and flowers in this country again. […]
The clock ticks on. Only a week and a half to go before we hit the road again. These last few months before departure have been quite filling. The parental […]