The past 2 months have been somewhat turbulent. At the beginning of this month, Amanda’s father unexpectedly fast went to be with Jesus at the age of 80. He unfortunately could not overcome pneumonia.
But what a departure it has been. Answer to prayer after answer to prayer.

On his last day in the hospital, Amanda asked if he would love to go to Jesus. His answer was immediate and clear, YES. So she indicated to pray for that together, but also that it would go quickly so that he would not have to suffer long. This he agreed with. By now Amanda’s brother had already said goodbye to him and Amanda’s sister would come 2 hours later. Amanda suggested then that her father would talk to his other daughter and then go to Jesus. He agreed.

Amanda’s sister came, talked to him for some 15 minutes before we (Arjan and I) returned to the room. His two daughters made another joke at his bedside and suddenly his breathing changed. He was leaving. And accompanied by our praises to God and our encouragements to go to Jesus, he then slipped within 1 minute very peacefully into the arms of Jesus. The three of us were in awe of God for this answer to prayer. The medics had the expectation that the suffering could go on for another day.

Until the very end, Amanda’s father had remained lucid. Another answer to prayer. In connection with the dementia his mother had suffered, Amanda and he had prayed together a few years before, that he would be lucid until his last day.
This lucidity was even until the last minute. God is so faithful!

But all this seems to usher in a new chapter for us. We have been living in Amanda’s father’s house for years. Is this the beginning of other area’s of work now that we no longer need to be his company? Or does the Lord have further plans for us here?
What future is ahead? What does the Lord have in store for us?

Pray for us for clear guidance and revelation. It is always an adventure to walk with God!

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