We traveled to São Paulo again. Because at the end of this month, our 3 month visa will expire and we have to leave the country. We will go to Bolivia for 2 weeks for a “visa run,” so we can re-enter Brazil for another 3 months.
But there are beautiful developments. We were able to edify the believers in Paraty. The Spirit led us to teach about sanctifying our lives. And laying off resentment, gossip and worldliness, so that the Spirit can have more freedom in all our lives to flow and do what He so desires to do. Reaching people with His love, deliverance and salvation!
A few days back a young woman of the age of 27 came in one evening with many problems. Severe bleeding since she was 15, for which the doctors just had no answer, borderline, 2 times a suicide attempt and always something went wrong in her life.
Together with Marcelo and Cristina we were able to present Jesus for all her problems. Speaking truth and life, prayer, sending away evil powers, breaking curses and encourage her. The next day we heard that she had slept for a long time, was cleaning the house with music on, that the bleeding had completely stopped and that she said she is a completely different person. Praise God for His love and deliverance!
- Special fruit, just like a candy
- Helping torch the land for new plants
- A big sweet jackfruit
But there are more developments. We seem to be gaining momentum.
During our week apart with God in December, Arjan had the same dream 2 nights in a row. God told him that He had already asked 3 people to start a training school, but these people had not responded. Now He posed the question to us. Were we willing to take up this challenge with Him? Again a step on the water!
We shared this with Uiliam the pastor in Paraty. He had told us before that he has a vision to train missionaries and send them out into the world. And even to have a self-sustaining location, where missionaries-to-be can be trained, can help on the land and can go out and come back. So a mission base.
It seems that God is merging 2 visions. Our heart has always been in training disciples to become powerful followers of Jesus.
Since this is quite a miracle plan, we decided not to wait for everything to be formed and built first. But just start small and simple and start a part-time training in the upper floor of Uiliam’s church to activate Christians. And to see how things roll out.
Uiliam is an energetic person who thrives on tackling projects. He was very enthusiastic and picked this up immediately. He even told people that we are the leaders of the new missionary school. Okay, that’s a bit of a swallow for these 2 down-to-earth Dutchmen…
In response to this someone even donated building materials for the roof of the future school…
Sometimes it is good that God takes the reins and puts people together for His work. Everyone is different and we need each other to be an effective team in God’s plans.
So when God apparently pushes us into this we, somewhat slightly surprised, surf along on God’s wave. Obviously God is in a hurry.
The training we are about to give will last 3 months and will consist of 2 evenings a week of teaching and Saturdays of practice. Living the life of Jesus like going out on the streets to share God’s good news, prophesying over people, going to the hospital, etc.
So actually right after the 2 weeks in Bolivia, mid-February, the training school will start. So we are busy right now writing and preparing the lessons. Aaaction!
Exciting what God has in store!
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