Baptism in Christ
Baptism is: immersion in water after repentance and conversion to God the Father. It is a part of being born as a child of God, the new birth.
The Bible explains it as being united with Jesus’ death and resurrection. Jesus has broken the power of sin through His death and resurrection. But this death and resurrection must also take place in our lives after our conversion.
Dying with Christ (in water) is like a funeral of our old sinful life, as a sinner. And then there is the rising up with Him in the new resurrection life, as a child of God. ( Colossians 2 verses 12-14, Romans 6 verses 3-12)
The Bible also describes baptism as a washing away of sins and calls it a baptism for the remission of sins. So baptism is not just a symbol or a ritual for someone who has repented, but it involves much more. It is a breaking with the old sinful life as a slave under Satan’s rule and start to live a new life as a child under God’s rule. From slavery to sin to freedom in Christ. That is why baptism is not a possible option or suggestion, but essential and an act of obedience. It is a part of the new birth. ( Acts 22 verse 16, Acts 2 verse 38)
Because baptism in water is a “washing away of sins” and “forgiveness of sins,” it should take place directly after the repentance and conversion to God. Just like in the Bible. We do not see a long preliminary study time in the Bible. People were baptized immediately after they had come to faith in Jesus. ( Acts 2 verses 38-41, Acts 8 verse 12, Acts 8 verses 35-39, Acts 9 verses 10-18, Acts 10 verses 44-48, Acts 16 verses 29-34)
You can be baptized by a born-again child of God, who also experienced the baptism in Christ. It does not necessarily have to be a specially appointed person or someone who has long been converted. Whether the baptism is done in natural water or in a bath (because it is a cold climate), it does not matter.

And importantly: the convert is baptized to Jesus Christ and not to a particular group or church.