Baptism with the Holy Spirit
Another part of the new birth, being born as a child of God, is the baptism with the Holy Spirit. After Jesus’ return to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit for the believers. The Holy Spirit is the Substitute of Jesus. He is a Comforter for us, a Helper and Guide, who leads us in this new life. ( Acts 2 verses 1-4, John 14 verses 15-17 + 25-27, John 15 verses 26-27, John 16 verses 7-15)

When you become a child of God, you become a temple of God. This has now been made possible by the substitution work of Jesus. God no longer lives in a temple or building, but wants to live in His children. He lives in them to have fellowship and close contact with them and to help them live a holy life so that they resemble His Son Jesus. The Holy Spirit also leads them to represent Him on this earth, so that others also can be freed from sin and sickness and have peace with God. ( Acts 17 verse 24, 1 Corinthians 6 verses 19-20, 2 Corinthians 6 verses 16-18 + 7 verse 1, Romans 8 verses 12-17)

When you are baptized or filled with the Holy Spirit, you receive God’s power to walk in this new life as a justified child of God and to tell the world of Jesus in words and deeds. For without this indwelling of the Holy Spirit we can not lead a victorious Christian life.
This baptism with God’s Spirit does not always happen automatically with the conversion or baptism in water. It is often a separate part. ( Acts 1 verse 8, Luke 24 verse 49, Acts 8 verses 12-17)
When the Holy Spirit comes into your life,
He comes with everything that He is.
He comes with all His gifts
and with all His strength.
With His indwelling, the Holy Spirit gives you a personal prayer language, an unknown language which is also called tongues. These are sounds that bubble from within you, inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is up to us to open our mouths and start vocalise those sounds with our voices and let them come out.
God will never force you. It is a collaboration with Him. ( John 7 verses 37-39, Acts 2 verses 1-4, Acts 10 verses 44-46, Acts 19 verse 6, 1 Corinthians 14 verses 2 + 4 + 39, Judas 1 verse 20)