Adventures with God!
What He can do through us, He can do through you.

How liberating it always feels when God speaks and gives further direction. The house is sold under reservation of finances to a Christian family and the date is set for […]
A new post about our adventures. There is movement around the house story. But different movement than we initially thought. The Lord had given us a date to live toward. […]
The days are having more daylight again. An anticipation for the dawn of a new season is in the air. Since the passing of Amanda’s father, we have sought the […]
The past 2 months have been somewhat turbulent. At the beginning of this month, Amanda’s father unexpectedly fast went to be with Jesus at the age of 80. He unfortunately […]
Our efforts over the past month are over again. Arjan was able to use his running talent in the relay race. With 12 runners they covered 240 kilometres (150 miles) […]
The Lord does have a sense of humor. The previous blog post was about resting in God, but this month seems to be a month of movement. Arjan had already […]
‘Time flies’ is a familiar saying. And it is also appropriate now. How long it has been since we posted! The winter is over. We are moving forward in the […]